Friday 29 January 2016

Teddies lost and found



Looking at number bonds to 10 and 20 by playing Wild West Shoot Out!

As a class we paired aliens with their spaceships,
then safely flew them back to the mothership.

"What number do you add to 17 to make 20?"

"How many more do I need to make 20 if I have 10?" 


"What do you add to 6 to make 10 Matei?"

British Values week starts with finding out, What is Britain? Do we live in Britain? Are we British people? Do we have other nationalities we could feel like?  
Map of Britain

Then we debated and voted on which of the values we most important and why in a house of parliament style face off, with boos, mocking laughter and a good amount of "hear hear" agreement.

Oliver is getting the opposition riled up!

James suggesting why it was important to understand right from wrong.
E-safety in a song

Finally our Lost Teddy stories are complete. After lots of discussion and reading other examples of lost teddy stories we have made our own books.


With the inspiration of Chris Evan's 500 word competition, we had the idea to turn some of the books into audiobooks. But with their illustrations being far too good I had to share their pictures too.


Then we toddled off down to year 5 and read our stories to the big kids and they LOVED them!!!