Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Librarian visit

A visit from the librarian

In Class 1 the children are developing their love of reading. I thought it would be beneficial to the children to find out more about the opportunities that Hertfordshire libraries have to offer, especially in the holidays when the children don't have access to the books at school. 

Today we welcomed one of Hertfordshire librarians. She explained to the children that it is free for them to have a library card and they can take out up to 12 books at a time and keep them for 3 weeks before having to return them. They have come home with a registration form today so that if they are not already a member they can join immediately. 

There a variety of different books that the children can borrow, which include books for children learning to read. 

The librarian showed us a variety of different books that can be found in the library. There are a good range of books on offer to children to meet all their interests.

We had story time and found out about a new book. 
 The library in the centre of St Albans has a story time every Saturday at 2:15 for children up to 8 years old. So why not go along for a free trip out on a wet, cold Saturday afternoon. 

The children were pleased to receive a free wrist band too!