Thursday, 21 June 2018

The snails are munching

Snail on EmojiOne 3.1Snail on EmojiOne 3.1Snail on EmojiOne 3.1Snail on EmojiOne 3.1Snail on EmojiOne 3.1Snail on EmojiOne 3.1
I've been threatening to do a snail investigation for some time now, and fiiiinally the conditions have been just right. We have enough snails, Miss Morris has been to the shops to buy all the ingredients and the habitats were ready to receive them. 

The children have made their predictions
 "I think my snail will eat the
dandelion leaves because
it is a vegetarian." - Safiyah.

"I predict the snail won't eat the ham
because I think it's a herbivore." - Noah  

We shared the job of writing a diary for our snail investigation, as a way of reporting the method we used.

On Monday we went on a snail hunt. We didn't find any because it was too hot and snails don't like the hot weather.

On Tuesday we built a snail habitat. We added damp soil and a rock because snails can slide about in the wet.

Then they started to prepare the snail meals. Cutting up the food they stated in their investigation sheet, weighing the food, recording the amount in their investigation sheet 

In the end they added 2 snails to each mini habitat. 

Cherries or tomatoes, I'm interested which will be the most popular.

 Mmmmm delicious. I hope these don't get too hungry.

"I'm going to name mine Joey... No no no Slime King."Crown on Apple iOS 11.3

 Turkey or dandelion leaves?

 Macaroni cheese or buttercups...  

"Eewwwww it's so slimy"

 Keenan provided his own snails for the experiment too, with a much nicer environment to live in. 

 "Welcome to your new home"

apple or orange? Let's see if they have a sweet tooth.

 We're pros at handling snails now. Even left a little snail trail on her hand.

 "Hello little snail"

 Isla's sausage or strawberry.

 "I like holding snails, I'm not afraid!"

 Strawberry or apple?

 The girls chose strawberry and mint leaves.

 Hugh is wondering if the snails will eat his radishes. 

 Just some final training before the snail goes into its new home.

 apple or chicken.

And there we go, all done. packaged and ready to ship to France. Jokes! 

Watch this space to find out the results. We may disprove all scientists ever and find out that snails have a keen fondness for macaroni and cheese or hot dogs.

Art and Design
Before we had art week our most recent art work was creating natural sculptures. Here are some of the ones we made.
A flower

A poppy

A potato

A hedgehog

A hedgehog too

A flower

A flower

A hedgehog


A hedgehog

We did art every single afternoon to make the most of art week, looking at a different artist and style of art work each day. This week the children have been asking "Is it art time yet?", no that was last week, we're doing our fabric faces though. More on that in weeks to come.

First we learnt about Roy Lichtenstein. Here is some of his pieces of art.
  Image result for roy lichtenstein pop

We started off by creating sunrise by Roy Lichtenstein 

We painted on top of bubble wrap.

Then printed it onto paper to create the dotty effect Lichtenstein uses in his art work.

The next day we moved onto another piece in the style of Roy Lichtenstein. For this we watched a video that inspired exciting onomatopoetic words.  This seemed to get the message across that pop art is supposed to be fun and that  Lichtenstein is very much a comic artist. 
Image result for roy lichtenstein pop

First they drew out a word, such a POW! SPLOOSH or BANG! in bubble writing.

After drawing out an explosion, they filled the space with dots, using a cotton earbud.

(Add here)

We took a break halfway through to have a look around the art gallery. Which the children really enjoyed.
 "I'm so proud of myself. I did that" - Kye
" I can see my brother's. I like what Year 5 did." - Erin
 "I feel like a proper artist!" - Jenny
"That's mine there! This is soooooooo cool" - Lucia

The next day we moved onto Peter Blake, a British pop artist. Mum's and Dad's might recognise his art work here:
Image result for peter Blake sergent pepper

We tried to replicate one of his collages that looked like this:
Image result for peter Blake

Another element of pop art is it has to be of popular things, such as celebrities and brands that people like. So we made our collage popular to us. I took suggestions of what people enjoy and they came up with alphablocks, McDonalds, the colour pink, football,"that bubble bath with the sailor on it", code books, Hey Duggee, Dairy Milk, Star Wars and Lego. 

With these we were able to piece them together in whichever order we wanted so each piece of art was unique.

Everyday we took part in DDT (Daily Doodle Time). Like with world book week, there were random times in the day where Mrs Laver (formally known as Miss Carr) would run around the school ringing a bell, we all had to drop what we were doing to take part in Drop Everything and Read. There was a different challenge each day, such as take you pen for a walk, draw your favourite animal and draw yourself as a super hero.


Then on Friday we dialed it back for some art skills. We learnt about mixing primary colours. We found out that the colours don't always have to end up as a browny black?! If you only mix 2 colours, it turns out quite nicely.

Then once all the secondary colours were made, we filled in a diagram to show our investigation work.

Then for fun we made ice lollies in a gradient of all 6 colours. 

No certificates this week