Tuesday, 6 March 2018

World book week

During world book week, Sandridge School focused on books by Anthony Browne
Image result for anthony browne  Related image   Image result for anthony browne   Image result for anthony browne book covers   Image result for anthony browne book covers   Image result for anthony browne book covers

In Class One (with the help of our new student teacher Miss Davies) we looked at the book Willy the dreamer:

Image result for anthony browne book covers

We've done some great writing and paintings related to the story. 

We drew pictures of the character we were on WBD so that we could celebrate 20 years of World Book Day. Can you guess which characters we are?

In PE we were treated to a gymnastics lesson on the apparatus. We played a game of the floor is lava and travelled around the room without touching the floor. We had to think about where our hands and feet would go, risk assessment; is it too high? do I feel safe? Is there a safer way to get down? Is there a different way around?  

There were some children who were challenged by going up high and decided to take a route closer to the ground. But by the end of the lesson grew in confidence and attempted harder challenges. 

Sit up forfeit for touching the floor.

Thank you for all of your hard work over the 3 weeks to complete your history projects on a monarch of your choice. 

We had a lovely time feeding these back to each other in a sharing session where one half of the class became History Experts and shared what they had found out with others, and the other half became History Hunters; hungry for history facts and magpied interesting things about the Kings and Queens on offer. Afterwards we shared what the History Hunters had found out that day. 

For D&T we designed and made our own animals out of fruit. 

We labelled it with the fruit we would need. So that when it came to collecting all of the ingredients we needed we would know.

Miss Morris' monkey

We had a week looking at days of the week, months of the year and how time is measured. How many units of time can you think of? Scroll down for a few ideas.

seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries....
Did you think of any of these?

Elsie & Lily (23.2.18)
Alyssa & Lucia (2.3.18)

Ottie (23.2.18)

Nathaniel (23.2.18)
 Erin (2.3.18)

Instructions for making a fruit bat

by Adam R

Instructions for making a fruit cat
By Leila