Friday, 20 November 2015

Audacious computing (with a little help from Mr Sherwood)

So far we've enjoyed some really creative computing lessons this term: we began back in September by linking our computing work with our art sessions on David Hockney.  We used the Paint program to draw digital landscape pictures, and compared these to our own hand drawn and painted versions.

Next we used the tough-cam, iPad and camera to take photographs to make David Hockney inspired landscape collages.  We learnt how to type words and insert clip art pictures into a Word document so that we could write about our art work.


This half term the cross-curricular links have continued strongly.  Mr Sherwood helped the children record some recounts using the Audacity program - I was so impressed that they managed to do all of the recording themselves!  The children recounted what we had learnt in the first half term in science, literacy and other areas of the curriculum.

To show me what they had learnt so far, the children edited a Christmas card in Word by changing the pictures and editing text.  This week we got to grips with Publisher where we used the same skills but in a slightly different program. It's amazing to see how quickly the children can all login, open programs and documents now.  Some are even starting to save their own work independently - they truly are the digital generation!