Friday, 18 September 2015

Message from Mrs Ledger

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to clarify a few organisational and classroom matters:

PE: PE takes place on Tuesday's and Fridays.  One of these sessions will be outdoors unless it is raining heavily, and we will still go outdoors in cold or muddy weather.  A number of the children have plimsolls as their outdoor PE shoes; although great for summer games, plimsolls do not really provide enough grip or support for winter games on the grass.  We got caught in the rain today so all PE kíts went home as they were wet! If they could come back next week with trainers instead of plimsolls I would really appreciate it.  Also, please provide FULL PE kit.  A number of the children this week did not have a separate t-shirt or warm jumper to change into and we're having to do PE in uniform.

Homework: homework books need to be returned on a Thursday every week irrespective of whether the children (or you) have recorded any work in them.  Feedback from parents was that you would like to see how your child gets on in their spelling test - spellings are completed in the back of the homework book on a Thursday afternoon, so that you can see their scores when books come home on a Monday.  Also, it allows me enough time over the weekend to organise homework ready to be given out on Mondays - sending homework and spellings home on bits of paper usually means they get lost on the way!

Apologies for the one-size-fits-all moan but it is difficult for me to catch parents on the playground as the children line up to leave and go to clubs.  If you have any questions about PE kíts or homework please let me know.

On a brighter note reading books have all been coming in daily from most children and the whole class are continuing to work their socks off - they seem to have grown into very able year 1's remarkably quickly! Also, a few parents have asked about the homework project.  The children are welcome to present this as they wish - notebooks, small folders/A4 wallets etc are all absolutely fine!

Thank you for your continued support from home,
Mrs Ledger